The first is the company’s website link
Logistics software and technology market trends
Specifically information on these competitors by using the online websites throught he websites and also using the pitchbook reports:
oFocus on trends overall – drivers of demand for these software solutions
oDetail on types of solutions available (control tower, transport management)
oAny forecasts of market size and growth rates with lots of stastics and also with the data and with lot of similar references,
o3T logistics group
oGFS logistics
oSmart Freight
§Interested in capital raise history
Please provide lots of statistics, with the data with a lot of the references, and lot of graphs with each of the reports for this, about minimum 3 pages of the word document and please expand as much as you could, with providing a lot of the references when conducting the reports, and emphasise into different contexts and provide solid reports and the reference links as possible. Then we would use the report from the pitchbook and understand the context in the report and how this would work and operates.
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