The American Nurses Association’s (ANA) overall aims are to advance the nursing

The American Nurses Association’s (ANA) overall aims are to advance the nursing profession and improve healthcare for all. They appeal to each legislative session of the U.S.Congress, Democrats and Republicans alike, to address nursing legislative priorities. Six main legislative priorities were identified by the ANA for the 117th Congress. Each priority has several items. (See Box 19.5, Professional Prototypes, Items from the ANA 117th Congress Federal Legislative Priorities, on p. 553 of the Leddy & Pepper text). Review each and choose two items that you believe are the most important and discuss why you chose them.

To earn points for class participation (5 points), you must submit 150-300 words related to the particular assignment for that week.
Include your name, the class participation number, and the due date, at the top of the paper.
APA format is not required, however the Leddy & Pepper text must be paraphrased, cited with page number(s) included, and referenced.
All of the above should be submitted on one page

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