Summary: In this assignment, you will write a briefing paper addressing the comm

Summary: In this assignment, you will write a briefing paper addressing the commercial driver shortage in the transportation industry and proposing solutions to overcome this issue. The paper aims to engage leaders and executives of big trucking companies and foster collaborative efforts to address the shortage. The paper should be 1200 words long and include at least two graphics.
Task: Write a briefing paper that highlights the problem of the commercial driver shortage in the transportation industry and presents potential solutions. Address issues related to compensation and benefits, work/life balance, technology adoption, and retention incentives. The primary audience for this paper is leaders and executives of big trucking companies. Conduct research using at least five sources, with three from scholarly or credible trade journals, and follow APA 7th edition format for citations and references.
Executive Summary (250 words max)
Problem Statement – Describe the commercial driver shortage and its impact on the transportation industry (use research to support)
Proposed Solutions – Present strategies to address the shortage, including increasing compensation and benefits, improving work/life balance, investing in technology, and implementing retention incentives (use research to support)
Target Audience – Specify the primary audience and explain their vested interest in resolving the commercial driver shortage
Summary – Recap the problem and proposed solutions (200 words max)
References – List the cited sources in APA 7th edition format
Tailor the problem statement to address the commercial driver shortage in the transportation industry.
Focus on proposed solutions like compensation, work/life balance, technology, and retention incentives.
Use research to support your arguments and demonstrate the impact of the shortage on the industry.
Organize the paper into sections: executive summary, problem statement, proposed solutions, target audience, summary, and references.
Include at least two graphics to enhance the visual appeal and support your arguments.
The paper should be 1200 words long.

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