Statistical technique is carried out correctly. Results are reported and interpr

Statistical technique is carried out correctly. Results are reported and interpreted accurately. Results are discussed (1-2 pages) correctly in light of research question as well as theory. Limitations and direction for future research are discussed. TARGET LEVEL Utilize a valid and reliable instrument that is a viable method for gathering data. TARGET LEVEL Correctly calculates and interprets a formal test and effect size, summarizes results within theoretical and prior literature, provides implications, limitations, and suggestions for future research. TARGET LEVEL Demonstrates a high proficiency level of the knowledge and skills of several research methodologies including both qualitative and quantitative research designs, the different types of data collection and analysis. TARGET LEVEL Demonstrates a high proficiency in applying the knowledge and skills of several research methodologies including both qualitative and quantitative research designs, the different types of data collection and analysis. TARGET LEVEL Demonstrates a high proficiency level of evaluating knowledge and skills of several research methodologies including both qualitative and quantitative research designs, the different types of data collection and analysis.

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