Reflective Discussion, please reflect on what you have learned in this course, b

Reflective Discussion, please reflect on what you have learned in this course, by addressing the following:
Paragraphs 1-3:
Given the readings and assignments in the course, identify and discuss three important concepts applicable to your work experience, profession, and/or career plans for the future. Describe how each applies.
Paragraph 4:
Which part(s) of the course (background materials, assignments, and so forth) helped to shape or reshape your perceptions of the role of HRM in the private sector?
Note: No outside research or citations are needed in your Reflective Discussion. Also, you need not respond to your peers’ posts.
After responding to the Reflective Discussion above, please complete an anonymous Course Evaluation Survey. Instructors are not able to view course evaluation reports until after the grade submission period is over. Thank you for your feedback.
Required Sources
Flamholtz, E. & Randle, Y. (2011). Corporate Culture: The Invisible Asset. Corporate Culture: The Ultimate Strategic Asset. (pp. 3-25), Stanford, CA: Stanford Business Books.
Jirek, S. L. (2020). Ineffective Organizational Responses to Workers’ Secondary Traumatic Stress: A Case Study of the Effects of an Unhealthy Organizational Culture. Human Services Organizations.Management, Leadership & Governance, 44(3), 210-228.
Please note this article must be obtained by going into ProQuest inside the Trident Online Library. Once in ProQuest, please search by article title.
McNamara, C. (2000) Organizational Culture. Adapted from the Fieldguide to Organizational Leadership and Supervision. Free Management Library.
Mootee, I. (2012). What is the right organizational design for your corporation? And what test to use to know if you’ve got the right one? Innovation Playground. Retrieved from
Narasimhan, A., Yu, H. H., & Lane, N. (2012). Organization design: Inviting the outside in. Retrieved from
Pfeffer, J. (2014). Do workplace hierarchies still matter? Retrieved from
The People Group, Based on Gallup Research: What Makes a Great Workplace? Retrieved from
Tohidian, I., & Rahimian, H. (2019). Bringing Morgan’s metaphors in organization contexts: An essay review. Cogent Business & Management, 6(1). CC BY. Available in the Trident Online Library.
Optional Sources
Dawson, C. (2010). Leading culture change: What every CEO needs to know. Redwood City: Stanford Business Books, pp. 3-20. Retrieved from the Trident Online Library.
Denison, D., Hooijberg, R., & Lane, N. (2012). Building a high-performance Business Culture. Leading Culture Change in Global Organizations : Aligning Culture and Strategy. (pp. 1-23), Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons. Retrieved from
McNamara, C. (n.d.) Guidelines for organization design. In Free Management Library. Retrieved from
Mechanistic vs. Organic Organizational Structure: Contingency Theory (2014) BusinessMate.Org
Mootee, I. (2012). What is the right organizational design for your corporation? And what test to use to know if you’ve got the right one? Innovation Playground. Retrieved from
Organisation culture: Links and articles. (n.d.) Retrieved from
Schein, E.H. (2010) Organizational Culture & Leadership. 4th ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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