Reading Confirmation Assignments: Students will journal regarding how the topics

Reading Confirmation Assignments:
Students will journal regarding how the topics studied impact them personally leveraging various questions in the course textbook.
Students must submit an MS Word document detailing how they can leverage the information, covered in chapters 1 and 2 in their own professional healthcare career (current or future).
The submission must be in the form of an infographic. There is no need to purchase special software. Here is an article that gives some suggestions regarding free infographic makers. An “abbreviated” example is attached.
The submission does not have to review everything single detail covered in the chapters, but it should focus on 2 key elements from each chapter (reference page numbers when discussing details).
Make it plane by clearly bulleting/numbering the 2 key elements *from each chapter that is in focus.
Have fun with this. Find some free templates, insert some headlines from the chapters, and visually link them to your current or desired healthcare career.
Basic text submissions are not accepted.
Students should do their best not to just view this as another assignment to complete. Instead, use it to truly start to identify how they will start to move forward with their healthcare career. For example, start to ask themselves: what specific job do I want and who do I need to contact to achieve that goal?
For example, I want to be a clinic manager, and I will use “systems thinking” when determining the operating hours.

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