Prepare a Research Project Proposal containing the following sections: a) Resear

Prepare a Research Project Proposal containing the following sections:
a) Research Topic (1 pt.)
State your research topic in one phrase or sentence. This is the subject area that you want to research. It must be related to some aspect of Caribbean history from 1900 to the Present. THE HISTORY STUDENT’S HANDBOOK 2022 (pp. 3-4) lists a number of questions to guide you in selecting a topic. For additional assistance in developing a research topic see our Blackboard site: Information and Media Literacy>Deciding on a Research Topic and Questions.
b) Research Question (1 pt.)
List one research question that your project will address. This question should provide the focus of your project and identify what your project will help you learn regarding your topic. THE HISTORY STUDENT’S HANDBOOK 2022 (p. 4) provides some guidance in how to formulate your question. For additional assistance in developing your research question see our Blackboard site: Information and Media Literacy>Deciding on a Research Topic and Questions.
c) Annotated Bibliography (20 pts. total)
Include four scholarly journal articles and one primary resource of good quality for use in academic research that specifically relate to your topic and research question. Do not include an encyclopedia article, book chapter, book review, introduction or student website. Do not include articles that are general background reading or articles from our Syllabus. No single annotation should be longer than one page in length, double-spaced. For assistance in identifying appropriate resources see our Blackboard site: Information and Media Literacy>Finding Resources and Information and Media Literacy>Evaluating Resources. For additional research and reference help you can also contact Africana Subject Librarian Prof. Lisa Finder at or (212)772-4186. Research and reference help is also available 24×7 at Ask-A-Librarian. Use the following section sub-headings for each annotation:
i) Citation (1.0 pt. each)
The citation must appear in Chicago Bibliography Style 17th edition. For purposes of this assignment the citation should be single spaced. For assistance in properly citing your resources see our Blackboard site: Information and Media Literacy>Documentation Style.
ii) Summary (1.0 pt. each)
Provide a summary in which you identify the source’s contents, main ideas and arguments. Your summary should be one paragraph long and double spaced. For assistance in summarizing your sources see our Blackboard site: Information and Media Literacy>Taking Notes and Information and Media Literacy>Annotated Bibliography.
iii) Assessment (1.0 pt. each)
Identify the key elements that support your view that the source is relevant and scholarly. For example, what evidence is there that the information contained in this article is well researched? Is this article peer reviewed? What qualifications does the author have? Your assessment should be one paragraph long and double spaced. For assistance in assessing your resources see our Blackboard site: Information and Media Literacy>Evaluating Resources.
For your primary resource, what evidence is there that the primary resource is authentic? If it is on a website, is it an image or transcript of the original document? What qualifications does the author have? What qualifications does the website owner have? Your assessment should be one paragraph long and double spaced. For assistance in assessing your resources see our Blackboard site: Information and Media Literacy>Evaluating Resources.
iv) Relevance (1.0 pt. each)
How or why is this source directly relevant to your research question?
d) Work Plan (3 pts.)
In one paragraph state what you would need to do to complete this research project. Where might you find additional resources? Who might you speak with and why? What would you do with the data/information that you might collect? How might you analyze the data/information that you collect? How might you “package” your project (would you write a paper, create a website, produce a video, etc.)? Why would you “package” your project in that way? What assistance might you need to successfully complete your research project?

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