Preparation If you haven’t already done so, choose a topic area, a social media

If you haven’t already done so, choose a topic area, a social media application, and a psychological principle from the Applications of Social Media Presentation Topics [DOCX] Download Applications of Social Media Presentation Topics [DOCX]document. Please note that you need to select a different topic from your Week 2 paper so that you are exploring applications in a new area.
Choose the format of your presentation. You can choose to create a PowerPoint, a podcast, or a video.
If you didn’t finish your research last week, use the Capella University LibraryLinks to an external site. and the Internet to find scholarly articles and reliable web-based articles. If you aren’t familiar with the library, SummonLinks to an external site. is a great place to start your search. You are required to include 1–2 properly cited professional or scholarly resources (such as a textbook or peer-reviewed scholarly journal article from the Capella library) and 2–3 properly cited reliable Internet resources.
Review the Applications of Social Media Presentation Template [PPTX] Download Applications of Social Media Presentation Template [PPTX], if you are planning to create a PowerPoint presentation.
When using PowerPoint, use speaker notes to explain the bullet points on the slides rather than writing out all your thoughts on each slide. Most of your writing will be included in the speaker notes section at the bottom of each slide. Note: If your notes area is not visible, use your cursor and mouse to pull up the slide to see the “Click to add notes” area. In newer versions of PowerPoint, there is a small Notes tab at the bottom of the screen to click to make the “Click to add notes” area visible.
Note: If you need help with creating a PowerPoint in either Windows or Mac, visit the PowerPoint section of the Tools and Resources page. If you are choosing to record a podcast or create a video, visit the Audio and Video in this Course section of the Tools and Resources page.
Assignment Instructions
Divide your presentation into the following sections:
Title slide
Topic Area (1–2 slides, 1–2 minutes of talking, or 1 written page)Describe the topic area you have selected in detail so the reader is clear about your intended audience.
Describe the current state of social media in your selected topic area. What are examples of platforms or social media applications that are currently popular with people from your topic area?
Include citations to research that supports the popularity of your platforms or applications of social media.
Attention and Engagement (1–2 slides, 1–2 minutes of talking, or 1 written page)Describe at least two principles of gaining attention or maintaining engagement with viewers or followers on social media in your selected topic area.
Include citations to research supporting the psychological principles or concepts you are reporting.
Benefits of Social Media Use (2–4 slides, 2–3 minutes of talking, or 1–2 written pages)Describe at least two potential benefits of using social media with people in your selected topic area.
Describe at least one psychological principle or concept related to the positive use of social media with your topic area.
Include citations to research supporting your statements.
Risks of Social Media Use (2–4 slides, 2–3 minutes of talking, or 1–2 written pages)Describe at least two potential risks of using social media with people in your selected topic area.
Describe at least one psychological principle or concept related to the negative use of social media with your topic area.
Include citations to research supporting your statements.
References (as many slides as needed)Close by providing a list of the references that match the citations used in your presentation. Your presentation should include 1–2 properly cited scholarly resources and 2–3 properly cited, reliable Internet resources. Use current APA style in formatting your references. Use the APA Example Sheet Download APA Example Sheetto properly format your citations and references.
If you create a podcast or a video, submit a Word document with your references.
Assignment Requirements
Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Number of References: Your presentation should include 1–2 properly cited scholarly resources and 2–3 properly cited, reliable Internet resources.
Length: Your PowerPoint presentation should comprise 6–12 slides of content in addition to the title slide and the reference page slide. Your podcast or video should be 6–10 minutes in length.
Font and font size: Subject to design considerations. If creating a PowerPoint, use Arial or Verdana, 24 points minimum, when listing references on your reference slides. Use bold type for headings.
Template: Use the Applications of Social Media Presentation Template [PPTX] if you are using PowerPoint to create your presentation.
Review the Applications of Social Media Presentation rubric for details on how your paper will be graded.
Portfolio Prompt: You may choose to save this learning activity to your ePortfolioLinks to an external site..
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and grading criteria:
Competency 1: Explain the current state of social media.Explain the current state of social media in a selected topic area.
Competency 2: Apply psychological principles and concepts to topics in social media.Apply psychological principles and concepts to attention and engagement in social media.
Competency 3: Explain positive and negative consequences of social media use.Explain benefits of social media use in a topic area.
Explain risks of social media use in a topic area.
Competency 4: Apply research findings to topics in the psychology of social media.Support analysis with research findings related to topics.
Competency 5: Write using a clear purpose, organization, tone, and sentence structure.Communicate clearly with appropriate purpose, organization, tone, and sentence structure.
Cite sources using author and year, and provide some reference information required in APA style.
View Rubric
[u04a1] Week 4 Assignment: Applications of Social Media Presentation
[u04a1] Week 4 Assignment: Applications of Social Media Presentation
Explain the current state of social media in a selected topic area.view longer description
Analyzes the current state of social media in a selected topic area, providing meaningful examples.PROFICIENT
Explains the current state of social media in a selected topic area.BASIC
Identifies the current state of social media in a selected topic area.NON_PERFORMANCE
Does not explain the current state of social media in a selected topic area./ 52.5 pts
Apply psychological principles and concepts to attention and engagement in social media.
view longer description
Incorporates psychological principles and concepts into the discussion of attention and engagement in social media.PROFICIENT
Applies psychological principles and concepts to attention and engagement in social media.BASIC
Indicates psychological principles and concepts to attention and engagement in social media.NON_PERFORMANCE
Does not apply psychological principles and concepts to attention and engagement in social media./ 70 pts
Explain benefits of social media use in a topic area.
view longer description
Illustrates benefits of social media use in a topic area providing examples.PROFICIENT
Explains benefits of social media use in a topic area.BASIC
Lists benefits of social media use in a topic area.NON_PERFORMANCE
Does not explain benefits of social media use in a topic area./ 52.5 pts
Explain risks of social media use in a topic area.
view longer description
Debates risks of social media use in a topic area, providing meaningful alternatives to avoid them.PROFICIENT
Explains risks of social media use in a topic area.BASIC
Defines risks of social media use in a topic area.NON_PERFORMANCE
Does not explain risks of social media use in a topic area./ 52.5 pts
Support analysis with research findings related to topics.
view longer description
Justifies analysis with research findings related to topics, providing a rationale for justification.PROFICIENT
Supports analysis with research findings related to topics.BASIC
Cites research findings related to topics.NON_PERFORMANCE
Does not support analysis with research findings related to topics./ 52.5 pts
Communicate clearly with appropriate purpose, organization, tone, and sentence structure.
view longer description
Communicates clearly with clear purpose, organization, tone, and sentence structure.PROFICIENT
Communicates clearly with appropriate purpose, organization, tone, and sentence structure.BASIC
Communicates but writing is unclear as a result of poor purpose, organization, tone or sentence structure.NON_PERFORMANCE
Does not communicate clearly with appropriate purpose, organization, tone, and sentence structure./ 35 pts
Cite sources using author and year, and provide some reference information required in APA style.
view longer description
Cites sources using author and year with correct punctuation, and provides most of the reference information required in APA style.PROFICIENT
Cites sources using author and year, and provides some reference information required in APA style.BASIC
Cites sources but is missing either the author or the year, or includes minimal reference information.NON_PERFORMANCE
Does not cite sources and does not provide reference information./ 35 pts
Total Points: 0

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