Please select one song and respond to the prompt attached below in paragraph for

Please select one song and respond to the prompt attached below in paragraph form.

Consider one of the songs discussed in class this week. Listen to it, reflect on it, and consider the role that it played in its unique political moment. How is this song “political”? Is it overtly political? Is it musically political (transgressive in terms of the conventions of popular music)? Is a particular performance of the song what makes it political? Which of our philosophers’ ideas about music and politics speaks most directly to that relationship in the song you have chosen?

Songs for the week: CHOOSE ONE

– The Sex Pistols – “God Save the Queen” (1977)
– Rage Against the Machine – “Sleep Now in the Fire” (1999)
– Giuseppe Verdi – “Va, Pensiero” (Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves) (1841)
– “Реве та стогне Днiпр широкий” – “Reve Ta Stohne Dnip Shypokij” (1940-45)
– Lupillo Rivera – “Otra Fuga Más” (2015)
– Queen – “We are the Champions” (1977)

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