PLease comment to each post and ask each one a question . First post What steps

PLease comment to each post and ask each one a question .
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What steps do you plan to take to transition your paper to a presentation?
I will utilize my whiteboard to outline the main points of my paper. Doing so will allow me to gather my thoughts in order and effectively present my work through a Powerpoint presentation.Which key ideas will you focus on?To begin, I will be discussing what Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is and the prevalence of the disorder. I will also emphasize the four perspectives concerning ASD to highlight cultural practices and acceptance differences while addressing misconceptions and ethical concerns about ASD. What questions do you have about using the technology for your presentation?
The last discussion post involving an in-picture video presentation took me longer to create than anticipated. How many slides would you like, and are visuals okay while I address the topic, or would you like bullet points on each slide?What recording device will you use?
I will use my laptop as my recording device, and then I will use my iPad for editing and uploading. Share some tips and tricks you have learned for delivering a powerful presentation.
Some tips and tricks to deliver a powerful presentation include dressing up for the part. Often our mind can be tricked into feeling confident if we train it to believe this is for a business deal or job interview. Refraining from redundancy is also vital, so rehearsing in front of someone with flashcards will be helpful because you will not only build confidence, but they can also offer practical feedback on what can be worked on. How confident are you in presenting your paper via video? Explain.
At the moment, not very confident. I am confident in my knowledge about the matter as I’ve done extensive research, and I am living through this. However, relaying my work and understanding in a video to others can be intimidating, causing me to appear unconfident such as lack of eye contact and use of fillers. What are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to giving video presentations?
Some of my strengths include using visuals to support critical topics, my authenticity, and my story-telling ability. However, my weakness is lack of eye contact, use of fillers between issues due to increased anxiety, and speaking fast. Ways that I will be addressing my weaknesses include practicing before recording. Through repetition, I will address areas of concern while building more confidence to deliver my speech effectively over my video presentation. How will you maximize your strengths?
I will allocate significant time to practice for a live audience and a video “run-through.” Doing so will allow me to get a feel for what it is like to have an audience while also hearing what I sound like through video. I will also be timing myself through my practice runs to ensure I meet the desired time Dr.
What steps do you plan to take to transition your paper to a presentation?I believe that a great starting point for the transition of my paper into a PowerPoint would be using the outline I created to merge my two papers into one. I believe by using each of the four main perspectives: scientifical, economic, cultural, and ethical, I can share my findings in a cohesive, and easy to understand manner.
Which key ideas will you focus on?I will be emphasizing the four main perspectives: scientifical, economic, cultural, and ethical. By doing so, I can highlight my findings from my research and further support the need for exaggerated advertisements of the correlation between stress and chronic illness such as diabetes. By focusing on a solution for my presented argument, I can use my research on each perspective paired with a powerful delivery to inspire a change toward fixing this issue at hand.
What questions do you have about using the technology for your presentation?I do not have any specific questions regarding the use of technology for this presentation. The practice presentation in the weeks prior, helped me familiarize myself with the process of formulating and submitting a video PowerPoint presentation.
What recording device will you use?For my PowerPoint video, I will be using my laptop to record both the video and audio of my presentation. I used the same device to create my video presentation from the week prior and I was happy with the convenience of using this approach.
Share some tips and tricks you have learned for delivering a powerful presentation.The delivery of words plays a vital role in creating a powerful presentation. As a presenter, I have learned that refraining from talking excessively fast and focusing on punctuating one’s sentences, not only allows the listener to have time to process the information better but also delivers a longer-lasting message. Lastly, using visual aids throughout the presentation can help keep the listener engaged throughout the entire presentation, subsequently enhancing the intended message.
How confident are you in presenting your paper via video? Explain.I am confident in creating and presenting a video PowerPoint presentation, and I believe the mini-presentation we did previously, helped increase my confidenc

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