Plan for Priority Diagnosis ‐ 10 points/10% • Includes a minimum of 1 short‐term

Plan for Priority Diagnosis ‐ 10 points/10%
• Includes a minimum of 1 short‐term and 1 long‐term goal for identified priority diagnosis.
• Goals relate to the identified priority diagnosis.
• Goals follow the SMART format: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timed.
• Explains how the plan allows for client involvement.
• Explains how the plan advances the knowledge of members of the community.
e. Interventions for Priority Diagnosis ‐ 10 points/10%
• Proposed interventions are specific to the identified priority diagnosis and assist in meeting the
identified goals.
• Proposed interventions are supported by scholarly, evidence based sources.
• Identifies the level of prevention for proposed interventions.
• Identifies the category and level of practice (community, systems, or individual/family) that best
describes the proposed interventions from the Public Health Intervention Wheel (Nies, 2019, p. 14).
f. Evaluation for Priority Diagnosis – 10 points/10%
• Discusses evaluation from the level of a client to the aggregate population.
• Describes the measures that will be used to evaluate meeting the identified goals.
• Evaluation plan establishes specific outcome criteria for evaluating the identified goals.
• The evaluation plan includes specific elements to determine efficacy of interventions (how, who,

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