Photography was developing rapidly in the 19th century as a useful method of rec

Photography was developing rapidly in the 19th century as a useful method of recording places, people, or things, and seems to exemplify the transient nature of our surroundings. It could be useful for the artist in retaining an image for its accuracy, and was used as an aid by several painters.
In the article by Susan Sontag – an excerpt which I have given you in course documents– she discusses the socio/political effects of photography.Below, I have selected a number of points, or observations made in the article.For this discussion I would like you to explain how one of these might be seen in a particular painting in the 19th century.Choose one of the points below, and then choose a painting in which this point or observation is demonstrated in that painting, and explain how this comes across.
This final discussion references the excerpt of Susan Sontag’s essay on photography. I have placed the selection of topics in course documents for the discussion – please choose just one to discuss.
Topic: What is the reality beyond the photo – what lies beyond its borders?

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