Now that you have your video concept, it is time to construct a storyboard that

Now that you have your video concept, it is time to construct a storyboard that outlines the concepts and methods you will use in your video (see attached).
Your storyboard is a graphical frame-by-frame plan for the scenes that will be in your video. The content of your storyboard relates to each change of venue, aspect, or story within your video. For example, you may decide that you will start your video with some b-roll of you giving a presentation to your organization. Your first board in your storyboard would then have a graphic that illustrates a person giving a presentation, along with some text that describes what is happening in the graphic. Developing the graphic (i.e., creating rough sketches) is known as thumbnailing. You can draw your own stick figures and illustrations, or you can use graphics from PowerPoint or Word to thumbnail your storyboard. Follow this link for some free templates for storyboarding.
The requirements for your storyboard are as follows:
– The format should be MS PowerPoint, Word, or PDF
– If you are familiar with advanced programs such as Articulate Storyline or Adobe Captivate, you can use their built-in storyboarding functions, provided you submit your Storyboard as a PDF.
– Things to consider:
— Have a clear outline
— Make sure your sequence makes sense (i.e., is logical)
— Create compelling visuals (e.g., video, photos, text)
— Create compelling audio (e.g., stories, music, dialog)
— Ensure that your video will meet the assignment objectives
— Ensure that your project will be the appropriate length (neither too short or too long)

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