Look through the journal article and try to trace its logic. Read the title

Look through the journal article and try to trace its logic. Read the title, abstract, and headings to get a
feel for how the article is organized. In this initial, quick skim, identify the question or problem that the
article addresses. After a quick skim, read the article from beginning to end to develop an overall
impression. At this stage, identify the article’s thesis, or main argument, and highlight or underline
where it is stated in the introduction and conclusion. Most journal articles include a review of existing
literature early on and, throughout, cite previous scholarly work.
Provide a critique on the significance of the trial and any clinical results that the authors have concluded.
Review all sections of the article and point out any relevant facts, data, outcomes, methods, etc.
please do the discussion part only for this assignment. (Discuss any strengths and weaknesses. Is the evidence relevant,
and does the article convincingly analyze and interpret the
again please read the article and follow the templet to make a powerpoint slides of the dissection part of it and write like a one page explaining more details about the discussion

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