Introduction Introduction: Students will complete an observation in a K-3rd gr

Introduction: Students will complete an observation in a K-3rd grade classroom in a public or private school that has been previously approved by the instructor. Time completed during the observation must be logged on the required form for the course. The pre-assessment form required for the course must be fully completed during the observation for documentation and future planning.
Complete the required pre-assessment form based on your observations to assess children’s language and literacy development to collect baseline data to comprehend current development status in language and literacy domain. Observations will include children’s interactions with materials, each other and teachers as well as their participation in activities and areas, and routines of the classroom surrounding children’s language and literacy development skills. Notes about current materials and activities provided for children surrounding language and literacy throughout the classroom environment should also be taken into account for lesson planning. Notes must be taken on the form during your observation time to gather the important information of the classroom topic of study, children’s demonstration of language and literacy skills (demonstrated and those needing assistance), interests, and materials and activities provided in the classroom. You will use the information gathered from your observations and conversation with the teacher to complete a developmentally appropriate and meaningful lesson plan the following week.
Time log for observations.xlsDownload Time log for observations.xls
K-3rd DRDP assessment form.docDownload K-3rd DRDP assessment form.doc
EDC351 Project 3 Pre-assesment of Literacy plan rubric.docDownload EDC351 Project 3 Pre-assesment of Literacy plan rubric.doc
DRDP School Age.pdf

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