I did my paper but The professor gave some suggestions, which need to be combine

I did my paper but The professor gave some suggestions, which need to be combined with the content of the class. and here is what she said. “I’m giving you full points toward the outline for this first draft. When looking at the rubric for the final paper and this first draft I have to say this is very well done. The only area where you need to make changes is in making the connections to our class explicit through in-text and bibliographic citations. For the final paper you need 4 different course resources cited in your paper. I have made a note of two places I believe you can find room to add information from our class resources. Let me know if you have any questions.”
and here is our class resources.
1.The History of Our Tribe: Hominini
2.Understanding Evolution – Patterns website– evolution 101
those are the main sources,
and here are some other source.
1.When We Took Over the World
2. https://www.science.org/content/article/human-language-may-have-evolved-help-our-ancestors-make-tools
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjK7PWmRRyg
so help me add 4 of this source to the article. thx
Also the the topic pick is in the first doc, just make sure.

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