I am majoring in Psychology and I aspire to be a transition specialist for adole

I am majoring in Psychology and I aspire to be a transition specialist for adolecents. I want to work with juvenile delinquents coming back into the real world after serving time. Also to become a clinical psychologist for youth.
I completed my internship at Eagle Village. It is a residential facility for neglected and abused children and children with server behavioral issues. My house was Hainley house, it was intense stabilization. I often helped de-escalate situations between “clients” (that is used for kids. Youth or clients). I helped them do daily chores and thought them how to do them well. I prepared meals and escorted them to doctors’ appointments and court cases. I also debriefed with them. Made plans on how to better handle situations.
I saw some pretty horrific things. Like A young boy stabbing himself with a pencil because he knew his stay at Eagle Village was going to be long. I did not stomach that well but it prepared me for other horrific things too. I honestly thought I couldn’t go into clinical psychology after a few incidents but knowing that I made a difference in one person’s life made me keep on pushing.
We had weekly “teams” which are meeting with all the house staff to discuss safety plans, medications, and goals for each youth.
Lastly, intense stabilization was a 45-day program so I met a lot of youth in that house.
Please do not make this sound “too smart.”
Talk about how my aspirations and internship compare. Why the internship would benefit me in my selected careers. And define and discuss my choices of career paths.

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