HRM 300 Module Eight HR Learning Journal Guidelines and Rubric Overview Reflecti

HRM 300 Module Eight HR Learning Journal Guidelines and Rubric
Reflection through journaling provides concrete evidence of one’s evolving thought processes, documenting valuable insights and understanding. Often, more is learned through reflection than from the experience itself. After working through the activities throughout this course, conduct your own research to determine some future challenges and trends that Human Resources will be relied upon to help organizations navigate. Summarize the trend and outline how you will use what you’ve learned in this course to help an organization navigate challenges associated with that trend. Finally, address how that trend or challenge will impact the employee experience in the organization, as well as your career as an HR professional.
Respond to the following in a minimum of one paragraph each:
Summarize a trend or challenge that will impact organizations.
Outline how you will use what you’ve learned in this course to make recommendations to the organization to navigate the trend or challenge.
Explain how this trend or challenge could impact the overall employee experience.
Describe how this trend or challenge might impact your career.
What to Submit
Submit your Module Eight Journal assignment as a Microsoft Word document, addressing each element in a minimum of one paragraph. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

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