Hi, I am looking for case studies of Racial discrimination and the social-econom

I am looking for case studies of Racial discrimination and the social-economical struggle of the Algerian diaspora in France and the United States.
I will compare the two
So far I have a few cases studies on racial discrimination in France but I have not found any in the United States as the population is much lower and Algerians are overgeneralized as the “Middle East community or Muslim”
Here you can mention the immigration process they face such as visa requirements of Algerians entering the US for example there is a certain period of an individual to remain in the US as a visitor many break their visas to stay, you can mention the DV lottery as well. Welfare systems and public benefits such as food stamps and Medicaid. (please mention for french welfare system as well)
Also please mention how colonization contributed to these factors.

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