Health Safety Environmental As such the Director has asked you as the Health and

Health Safety Environmental
As such the Director has asked you as the Health and Safety advisor to prepare a report outlining the benefits of implementing an Occupational Health Surveillance Programme. You will need to explain in the report of how a Health Surveillance programme would be of benefit, and how it may operate in outline and give an indication of other Organisation programmes policies or process that may help support the OH Surveillance Programme.
Report Format:
Your report should be in this format which will be no more than 2000 words. Content of assignment including identification, evaluation, critical analysis, and prioritisation of key points
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Background
4. Statistic
5. Occupational health surveillance program
6. Different types of programs
7. Implementation
8. Benefits of programs
9. Documents supporting the program.
10. Conclusion
11. Reference
Marking Scheme:
1 Structure of report, fluency of writing, appropriate word count 10%
2 Appropriate sources used and referenced (including bibliography) 10%
3 Content of assignment including identification, evaluation, critical analysis, and prioritisation of key points. 80%
The report front page should show that the assignment is in partial submission for the award you are undertaking (your course).
There should be a margin of 3cms at the left and right. Type font using 12 Arial and should be spaced 1.5 lines.
You may use subheadings to help you focus your report.

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