Global Marketing and Sales Development: Assignment Guidance Front cover sheet: Y

Global Marketing and Sales Development: Assignment Guidance
Front cover sheet: Your name, Student ID, Title of the assignment and date of submission.
Executive Summary:
This section contains a discussion of the aims and objectives of the report and the key information (summary) of the report. This section is not included in the word count.
Table of Content:
Headings and Subheadings are organised with page numbers.
Section 1:
1.1 Global Profile of the company: (250 words)
What business are they in? Company’s mission, vision aims and objectives. The position of the company in key markets against the competitors.
2 Environmental analysis (no word count for screenshot)
2.1: Macro analysis: the application of PEST to conduct the macro environmental analysis of both countries. This should be presented as a table in the appendix and a screenshot of the table presented in this section.
2.2: Micro analysis: (400 words)
Consumer Analysis: the analysis of consumer buying behaviour, consumer buying power and purchasing habits should be compared between two countries (similarities and differences).
Competitor analysis: strengths and weaknesses of the close competitors in the two countries and how this will pose a future threat to your company.
Section 2: (500 words)
2.1: Assessing the country attractiveness and Entry Strategy
This requires a discussion of the entry strategy of the company in both countries (discussion of similarities and differences in approach). The evaluation requires the application of the Country attractiveness/competitive strengths matrix to discuss the effectiveness of the entry decision in both countries.
Section 3: (500 words)
3.1: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
This section requires you to discuss the global segmentation, targeting and positioning approach of the company. How the multiple segmentation approach is chosen to identify the most profitable segment. What is the global targeting strategy and how the company has positioned itself globally? The positioning map/perceptual map could also be produced.
Commented [BP1]: Minor change form last assignment
Section 4: (2000 words)
4.1: Standardisation vs Adaptation (Product decision):
With regards to the company assigned to you, you need to discuss whether the core product offered by the company in both countries is standardised/adapted or a bit of both in two countries. The evaluation requires a discussion of the effectiveness of the decision. A high-quality evaluation would also relate the judgement to the micro and microanalysis.
4.2: Standardisation Vs Adaptation (Distribution Decision)
With regards to the company assigned to you, you need to discuss whether the distribution structure and distribution process of the company is standardised/adapted or a bit of both in the two countries. The evaluation needs to provide a discussion on the effectiveness of the distribution decision. A high-quality discussion would relate to the entry strategy decision to evaluate the distribution decision here.
4.3: Pricing Decision
You need to compare the pricing strategies applied by the company in both countries. You are required to discuss the effectiveness of the pricing decision. A high-quality discussion would bring the analysis of macro and micro, segmentation, targeting and positioning to evaluate the effectiveness of the pricing decision in both countries.
4.4: Promotion Decision
You need to compare the advertising strategy applied by the company in both countries. You are required to discuss the effectiveness of the advertising in both countries. A high-quality discussion would bring the analysis of the microenvironment, segmentation, targeting and positioning to evaluate the effectiveness of the advertising decision in both countries.
This section should also include the CSR initiatives taken by the company and how this has helped to improve public relations.
Section 5: Conclusion (200 words)
Section 6: Reference list
Section 7: Appendix
Section 1: 250 + 400= 650 words
Section 2: = 500 words
Section 3: = 500 words
Section 4: = 2000 words
Section 5: = 200 words
Total = 3850 words* this included 10% +.
Requirements: 3800
Requirements: 3500

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