For this assignment, you are to interview an individual/professional in the fiel

For this assignment, you are to interview an individual/professional in the field of education who is familiar with the special education assessment process. Some examples of individuals appropriate to be interviewed include a case manager, a regular education teacher, a special education teacher, a school psychologist, a program director, or a special education administrator.


During the interview, ask questions to help understand the assessments used in special education, and the assessments used to assist with diagnostic/eligibility decisions. These assessments should include more than just the academic achievement measures (e.g., IQ, adaptive skills, speech and language areas, etc.). Questions may include:

– what are the various assessments used in special education and why;
– why certain tests are used; how often or when they are used;
– are formal and informal tests used; why; what are some examples used; who can administer formal and informal assessments; does the person administering them need any special training;
– what are the steps in the assessment process- from identification of a problem to triennial;
– what are the legal requirements for assessments in special education (such as sections of IDEA that address assessments);
– what is the role of the family in the assessment process;
– what considerations should be made when assessing students who speak other languages;
– what technological considerations may be considered when administering assessments;

You must analyze and evaluate the information gleaned from the interviews and then prepare a presentation on the information obtained about assessments. You may include evaluative comments or remarks that the interviewee might have shared based on his/her practical knowledge and experience with assessments. Please note: in areas where the interviewee may provide limited information, use readings to fill in the gap and/or support information garnered in the interview. In the end, you are to add a reflection on the information learned about the assessment process.

Proposed Presentation Outline:

Slide 1

Give a brief background of the interviewee (including position, years of experience)
Explain the context of interview: including date
State purpose of paper and what will be discussed
Slide 2-7
Types of Assessments
Identify the various assessments used in special education and why- give examples of assessment used in each of the following: screening, evaluation, eligibility decisions, instructional planning, and progress monitoring.
discuss the criteria for assessment selection
differentiate between formal and informal assessments used and state examples of each; requirements to administer
Slides 8- 13
Assessment Process
Describe the steps in the assessment process
Discuss at least three technological considerations when assessing students with exceptionalities
Slides 14- 16
Legalities/Working with Families/Diversity
Discuss the legal requirements for assessments in special education including sections of IDEA that address assessments
Describe the role of the family in the assessment process
Discuss the method/considerations of assessment for students who speak other languages

Slide 17
● Discuss the key ideas garnered in the interview
● Tie key points to purpose
Slide 18
Explain what was learned about assessments in special education
Discuss the importance of assessments in special education
Explain how the information gathered will impact your practice and the way you administer assessments
Slide 19

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