For this assignment, assume the following scenario: You have been the manager of

For this assignment, assume the following scenario: You have been the manager of a Starbucks store in the Midwest for the past 2 years. The store is owned by a Starbucks franchisee who owns 20 other Starbucks locations. Your employer took an employee inventory and examined all current employees. The owner noted that you have a highly successful track record. You have been recognized for doing an exceptional job staffing, leading, training, coaching, and managing people. You have also been recognized for successfully managing all key components of your store, and you have successfully managed key business drivers such as cash, profits, growth, asset utilization, and people. In regard to the metrics that are used to measure the 20 Starbucks’ stores for sales, quality, and customer service, your store is the top performing store in the owner’s system.
Congratulations! You have just been promoted to district manager! The Starbucks franchisee sees your growth potential and the growth potential in your geographic area. The owner now has committed significant capital and plans to open five new locations over the next two years. You will be given complete autonomy, authority, and responsibility to structure, staff, and operate these five new locations. You will be playing a key role in this expansion for growth.
For this assignment, you will prepare a four- to five-page plan as the new Starbucks district manager.
You must organize your paper using the following section headings and include additional section headings as needed (see the APA Style Elements resource for information on proper level leadings):
Provide a well-organized introduction to the paper.
Job Design
Explain your chosen job design including
job descriiption and
job specification.
Hiring Plan
Identify a hiring plan?
Training Plan
Create a training plan?
Management Plan
Formulate a management plan?
Summarize the main points that you want the reader to remember.
Your paper must include at least three scholarly (not older than 5 years old) and/or credible sources in addition to the textbook (that is four total) and be formatted according to APA Style guidelines as outlined in the Writing Center.

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