conducting interviews based on the questions you developed in last week’s assign

conducting interviews based on the questions you developed in last week’s assignment (applying any feedback received after submission). Share what you are learning through your interviews. Use these questions (one, some or all) to stimulate your thinking and frame a 300 word post that describes what you are learning:
How do your organization’s culture and practices enable (or inhibit) everyone’s learning and development?
What have you learned about the Edge, Home, and Groove and other theories that can help you explain what you are seeing in your organization?
What have you found that surprised you?
What have you found that aligns with what you experience in the organization?
Share in your post how you are gathering more data to dig deeper into understanding your organization’s culture, including values and practices, that support (or inhibit) continued learning of all.
Use citations from the assigned readings to support the conclusions you draw.
Question 2
conducting interviews based on the questions you developed in last week’s assignment (applying any feedback received after submission). Share what you are learning through your interviews. Use these questions (one, some or all) to stimulate your thinking and frame a 300 word post that describes what you are learning:
How do your organization’s culture and practices enable (or inhibit) everyone’s learning and development?
What have you learned about the Edge, Home, and Groove and other theories that can help you explain what you are seeing in your organization?
What have you found that surprised you?
What have you found that aligns with what you experience in the organization?
Share in your post how you are gathering more data to dig deeper into understanding your organization’s culture, including values and practices, that support (or inhibit) continued learning of all.
Use citations from the assigned readings to support the conclusions you draw.

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