Below you will find four (4) questions. One question from each chapter covered t

Below you will find four (4) questions. One question from each chapter covered thus far. Please respond to each question in detail. Follow the instructions below as you answer each question and respond to your classmates.
Thoroughly and thoughtfully answer all questions- A thorough answer will consist of complete sentences, and will address the question while drawing from the text or other credible source. A post that only has one-two sentences is not thorough and will not earn full credit. Original post to the discussion must be received by Thursday 11:59pm (EST) to receive full credit.
Your response should be a minimum of 350 words.
Include a minimum of 2 references, one can be the textbook. Please use your text (when it applies to a discussion) or any other credible reference to support your answers, and be sure to cite your sources correctly, following APA guidelines.
This included in-text citation as needed.
Respond to TWO classmates-Your responses must be respectful, substantial (include supporting details and facts), and please address your classmates by name. In addition, ask questions to further your understanding of the post or to promote further discussion. Make sure you support your response by using references. Your post must be substantial (include supporting details and facts) to back up what you are saying. Responses must be received by Sunday 11:59pm (EST) to receive full credit.
One reference minimum per response.
Review grammar, spelling, and punctuation prior to submission.
Review grading rubric prior to submission.
Discussion Questions:
What does the term health mean to you? Which of the definitions of health provided in Chapter 1 best “fits” with your thoughts of health?
Determine your current position on Maslow’s human needs of hierarchy. Explain, in detail, how you arrived at your conclusion. Address in your response psychological adjustment, growth, and autonomy. (Chapter 2)
You have two final exams scheduled for the same day. Describe how you could use a negative coping strategy to reduce your stress. Describe how you could use a positive coping method to deal with the same situation. (Chapter 3)
Chapter 4 discusses how visual media can influence a person’s attitude towards violence. Choose a violent movie or television show that you watched recently. What impact did it have on your feelings about violence?
Grading Rubric
Criteria Points
Thoroughly and thoughtfully answered all questions50 points
Response to TWO classmates30 points
Correct APA formatted references10 points
Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation at the College Level10 points
Total Points Possible100 points

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