Assignment Most employees receive feedback on their job performance from their m

Most employees receive feedback on their job performance from their managers through annual performance appraisals. One of the problems with this approach is the uni-dimensional view of an employee’s strengths and weaknesses based on his/her supervisor’s observations. If the appraisal process is not in-depth or is biased, an employee may have a difficult time identifying the appropriate areas to target improvement or additional developments of his/her skills, which are needed for career enhancement. At the time, organizations may not be effectively identifying critical employee skill gaps or leadership potential for succession planning.
One survey method that provides both employees and the organization with an understanding of employee skills and challenges uses different perspectives for feedback. The 360-Degree Feedback Survey is a commonly used tool designed to provide multi-person feedback about an employee’s job performance based on how others in the organization perceive him or her. Multi-person feedback is usually comprised of supervisors, co-workers, and anyone who has direct interaction with the employee. This can sometimes include individuals outside the organization, such as contractors or customers.
Imagine that you were invited to write a blog for an I/O psychology website. Your expert opinion is being sought to discuss the disagreement in the field regarding how 360-Degree Surveys are best suited: leadership development or promotion purposes.
Support your assignment with at least 3 references from scholarly sources.

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