Assignment Instructions Final Project Be sure to save an electronic copy of your

Assignment Instructions
Final Project
Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct US English, spelling and grammar. Use APA format for your paper, including the title page, body of your paper, and your reference page. Sources must be cited in APA format, both in the body of your paper and on your reference page. Your Final Project should be no more 4500 words on double-spaced pages, not including your title page or reference page.
Your final project has two parts:
Part One: A traditional term paper on any approved topic discussed in this course (2500 to 3500 words). You submitted your topic for approval in Module 3.
Part Two: The Appendix to your paper. Part Two should be written in first person; that is, use the words “I” and “we” in this part. With one of these three roles in mind (current role/employer, previous role, role you want to apply for), using 500-1000 words answer these three questions:
What did you learn as you wrote your paper?
What surprised you about what you learned?
What do you now want to know more about?
Paper Requirements
Use a minimum of six (6) sources. At least three of these sources must be scholarly (using peer-reviewed journals from the library, not the internet at large)(You can access ProQuest through the Library page in the Course Introduction section). One of these sources can be the one you used for your Journal Article Review in your Journal Article assignment.
Sources should be recent ones (written within the last decade, unless you have prior approval for a specific older source).
Ensure that you cite all sources properly, including using quotation marks to indicate direct quotes.
Create a reference list that includes all sources you used to research and write your paper. Make sure that every source mentioned in your paper appears on the Reference page, and that every source in your list of references appears in your paper.
If you mention a current or previous employer or co-worker/manager in your project, please change the name(s).
Review the Final Project Grading Criteria in the rubric.
Review the Frequently Asked Questions for this assignment.
TIP: Here’s how to see the number of words in your document using Microsoft Word, both for the entire document and for a specific section.
Ideas for topics:
Find something you are truly interested in, rather than picking the first one you see. Is there something that frustrates you at work? Something your manager does that you can’t quite understand why he/she does it? Look through the learning objectives for each of the lessons. Many of these can be turned into project ideas.
Length/Formatting Instructions
LengthMaximum 4500 Words (Paper and Appendix)
Font12 point Calibri font
Program/File TypeSubmit in Word
AttachmentsShould be pasted into the Word document if possible.
Referencing systemAPA referencing system is necessary in assignments, especially material copied from the Internet.For examples of correct citations, visit the following links:
Final Project Grading Rubric
Your work will be evaluated using the following criteria.
Integration of Knowledge50 points
The paper demonstrates that the author fully understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights. The writer provides concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas.40 points
The paper demonstrates that the author, for the most part, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Some of the conclusions, however, are not supported in the body of the paper.20 points
The paper demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course.0 points
The paper does not demonstrate that the author has fully understood and applied concepts learned in the course.
Topic Focus20 points
The topic is focused narrowly enough for the scope of this assignment. A thesis statement provides direction for the paper, either by statement of a position or hypothesis.16 points
The topic is focused but lacks direction. The paper is about a specific topic but the writer has not established a position.12 points
The topic is too broad for the scope of this assignment.
0 points
The topic is not clearly defined.
Depth of Discussion50 points
In-depth discussion & elaboration in all sections of the paper.40 points
In-depth discussion & elaboration in most sections of the paper.20 points
The writer has omitted pertinent content or content runs-on excessively. Quotations from others outweigh the writer’s own ideas excessively.0 points
Cursory discussion in all the sections of the paper or brief discussion in only a few sections.
Cohesiveness50 points
Ties together information from all sources. Paper flows from one issue to the next without the need for headings. Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.40 points
For the most part, ties together information from all sources. Paper flows with only some disjointedness. Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.20 points
Sometimes ties together information from all sources. Paper does not flow – disjointedness is apparent. Author’s writing does not demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.0 points
Does not tie together information. Paper does not flow and appears to be created from disparate issues. Headings are necessary to link concepts. Writing does not demonstrate understanding any relationships.
Part Two30 points
Contains a thorough reflection of all three (3) questions required for Part Two24 points
Contains a partial reflection of all three (3) questions required for Part Two.18 points
Contains a minimal reflection of all three (3) questions required for Part Two.0 points
Does not contain any reflection of the three (3) questions required for Part Two.
Three (3) Scholarly Articles, plus Three (3) Additional Sources20 points
Student incorporates a minimum of three (3) scholarly articles into the writing assignment, providing a clear and logical discussion. Also includes a minimum of three (3) additional sources.16 points
Student mostly incorporates two (2) scholarly articles into the writing assignment and provides a somewhat clear and logical discussion. Also includes two (2) or three (3) additional sources.12 points
Student provides only one (1) scholarly article and the content needs improvement because the article is not incorporated into the writing assignment or the article is not on point. Also includes only one (1) additional source.0 points
Student did not use any scholarly articles.
Mechanics – Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling20 points
Student makes no errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling that distract the reader from the content.16 points
Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling that distract the reader from the content.12 points
Student makes 3-4 errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling that distract the reader from the content.0 points
Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Writing Style – Organization, Transitions, Tone20 points
The assignment is written with excellent organization, thoughtful transitions, and the appropriate tone.16 points
This writing assignment is adequately organized, but has some errors in the transitions or the tone.12 points
This writing assignment is poorly organized, or it contains ineffective transitions and/or inappropriate tone.0 points
Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
APA Format – Margins, Font, Spacing, Headings and Title Page20 points
The margins, font, spacing, headings, and title page are all formatted properly, and paper is the proper length.16 points
There are 1-2 errors in the formatting of the margins, font, spacing, headings, or title page.12 points
There are 3-4 errors in the formatting of the margins, font, spacing, headings, or title page.0 points
There are more than 4 errors in the formatting of the margins, font, spacing, headings, or title page.
APA Format – Citations and References20 points
All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited, and the references and in-text citations are all properly formatted. Each reference has an in-text citation and in-text citation has a reference.16 points
All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited, but slight errors are present in the format of the in-text citations or references. Or there may be one in-text citation or reference missing.12 points
Some sources used for quotes and facts are either not credible or there are significant errors in the in-text citations and/or references. Or there are multiple missing in-text citations or references.0 points
The sources used for quotes and facts are not credible and/or not cited. The in-text citations and/or references are not present.
Requirements: Essay

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