After you view the case study, reflect upon what you have learned and how it is

After you view the case study, reflect upon what you have learned and how it is related to the learning materials. Compare the case study to your nursing practice and give a similar example from your experience in which you might have run into staffing issues.
Critical Analysis
20 to >17.8 pts
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Presents an exemplary articulation and insightful analysis of significant concepts and/or theories presented in the case. Offers detailed and specific examples for all questions. Makes keen observations, making note of essential information provided in the case. Ideas are professionally sound and creative; they are supported by scientific evidence that is credible and timely. Draws insightful and comprehensive conclusions and solutions.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
15 to >13.35 pts
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Makes insightful, clear and accurate connections to key concepts and relevant theories. Response indicates a comprehensive, high-level understanding of the concepts presented in the case.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics
10 to >8.9 pts
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Answers are well written throughout. Information is well organized and clearly communicated. Assignment is free of spelling and grammatical errors.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format
5 to >4.45 pts
Meets or Exceeds Expectations
Follows all the requirements related to format, length, source citations, and layout.

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