Activity – U1: Practicing Critical Reading Due: Sat May 27, 2023 11:59pmDue: Sat

Activity – U1: Practicing Critical Reading
Due: Sat May 27, 2023 11:59pmDue: Sat May 27, 2023 11:59pm0/20 Points0/20 PointsAttempt
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Unit 1: Exploring IssuesActivity – Practicing Critical Reading
The authors of the CEL describe critical reading as a special way of interpreting texts — “not for the sake of judgment or criticism but simply for more insight” (154). Reading critically, in this way, is different than reading for information or reading for pleasure. It is also different from reading to evaluate whether or not you agree with a writer. Critical reading instead involves taking a step back to think about how the writer is developing their text using rhetorical tools and writing strategies.
Read Barack Obama’s essay, “This is What a Feminist Looks Like” in CEL Ch. 20 (p. 593-594). Answer the following questions about Obama’s essay in a response of at least 200 words.
Critical reading requires you to step back from evaluating a text and look for insights that you might otherwise miss. Do you think it’s easier to agree / disagree with an essay than it is to read the essay critically? Why?
How are you tempted to judge or evaluate when reading Obama’s essay? What insights do you gain from the essay when you suspend your evaluation?
After looking over the Rhetorical Tools for textual analysis on p. 179-182, what particular rhetorical tools does Obama use most effectively? Why?
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This writing activity will be graded out of 20 possible points, and will count towards the total Activities grade for the course.
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Activity Rubric – FYW 2020 ENGL 1310 Online
Activity Rubric – FYW 2020 ENGL 1310 Online
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