1. Go to the ‘Syllabus’ tab and tell me what the syllabus says about ‘late’ home

1. Go to the ‘Syllabus’ tab and tell me what the syllabus says about ‘late’ homework assignments. Are you allowed to turn in late work? If so, why, if not, why not? What is the penalty for late work? How many percentage points do you lose for turning in late work? What is the deadline for turning in late work?
2. Also, regarding the syllabus, what are the attendance requirements for this course? What does the syllabus say about logging in every week? What is considered excessive absence? What is the very last day, per the syllabus, to complete the online final exam for this class ?
3. From Chapter 2 in the course textbook (which is required for this class), please answer: What kind of rights does an individual have as an owner of real property?
4. Also from Chapter 2, please answer: What is the 4-part definition of real property?
5. What is personal and real property? How do you determine the difference between the two? Please provide some examples of personal versus real property in a residential home. What is the acronym (memory tool) to help you remember the difference?
Note: Please number your responses to match the questions.

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