You will need to revise original lesson plan considering the UDL modification. T

You will need to revise original lesson plan considering the UDL modification. The UDL modification serves as a handout or resource for students. The resource may serve as many additional artifacts. The handout could be an organizer for writing, a chart of some sort for reading, checklist, google slides of student work samples or modeled web 2.0 sample. Anything that you would give the student to help them prepare for the lesson assessment.
*Attached: sample student handout to supplement the lesson plan. The handout MUST be mentioned in the ORIGINAL lesson plan, handout must prepare the student for the lesson assessment, and utilize activities that allow for multiple means of expression. REMEMBER to consider UDL when designing the handout. ( You may use attached sample student handout or create one of your own. Whichever is most helpful). No outline needed.
*Attached: original lesson plan ( UDL strategies should be added to the original lesson plan)
*Attached: lesson plan rubric that reveals UDL strategies (Refer to bottom portion of the rubric for UDL strategies )
*Attached:UDL resource
***What is UDL and how is it different from differentiation (Answer separately from the lesson plan and handout in 1-3 short paragraphs) No outline needed.
I hope the information is clear. Please reach out for clarity if needed!

Posted in ESL

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