YOU WILL NEED Access to the book for this assignment: This discussion has TWO p

YOU WILL NEED Access to the book for this assignment:
This discussion has TWO parts. You will need to complete both parts on time for full credit. NOTE: Please do not post a blank post and then, later, post a completed one. If you do this, I will not give you credit for the post. I want you to write your post without seeing those of your classmates.
Part 1. After you’ve read the first 99 pages of Parable of the Sower, consider the following questions:
Remember that this novel was published in 1993, even though it takes place starting in 2024. We now live very near to 2024. In what ways does Butler’s novel seem (maybe eerily) accurate in predicting the world that we (nearly) inhabit? What does Butler get right about our world? Explain. Then, consider aspects of the novel’s world that seem less prescient. What about Butler’s world seems unlike our own world? Explain. (This should be a paragraph and it should be at least 6 sentences.)
What skills do you currently have that might be useful if you lived in Lauren’s world? Or if you don’t have any useful skills for Lauren’s world, what skills would you wish that you had developed? What would you like to know how to do in Lauren’s world? What skills would help you feel safe or productive in that world? Explain why. (This paragraph should be at least 5 sentences.)
Part 2. After you’ve posted, reply to TWO posts by classmates. You can respond to either #1 or #2 or both. You can share a similar thought, ask questions, or suggest other ideas or perspectives. Regardless, your replies should be friendly and constructive. Each of your replies should be at least 3 sentences. Note: your responses must also be completed by the deadline to receive full credit . to an external site.

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