You will be recording a 4-minute oral presentation on the lab article that you s

You will be recording a 4-minute oral presentation on the lab article that you selected (linked below). For this assignment, you will work on the PowerPoint slides that you will use for the oral presentation. Before you prepare your slides, make sure you check out these tips on how to prepare your slides, organize the content and deliver the presentation.
General advice:
-Focus on telling one story and telling it well rather than trying to cover too many topics.
-Images speak louder than words. Reduce the amount of text and replace it with an image.
-Use descriptive titles for each slide, but keep them short.
– Species names are in Latin, following the rule in written English that foreign words must be italicized, all species names must be in italics. This is also the case for other Latin words such as: In vitro, in situ, etc. Moreover, species names have two components: the genus name and the species name. The genus name should always be capitalized while the species name should always be in lowercase. For example: Drosophila melanogaster. After mentioning the species and genus for the second time, you can abbreviate the genus, but make sure the species name is still in lower case, example: D. melanogaster. *Watch out for autocorrect, it will try to capitalize your species names.
Required components:
Title slide: this slide should have the title of the paper, the authors of the paper and your name.
Introduction slide: Have a brief introduction just with the information you audience needs to understand your talk or to appreciate it, but don’t bug them with a long list of details. Why is this study important? Review the Importance/Introduction and the Background that you wrote in your Extended Summary. (linked below)
Problem Statement or Question, and hypothesis: What is unknown in this field? What is the question this study is trying to answer? What do the researchers hypothesize the answer is?
Methods/Approach: How was the study conducted? How were the data collected? Ideally make a diagram or use one from the study, if it has one.
Results: You need to show at least one graph or figure from the study and include the in-text reference, otherwise it’s not clear where you are getting the information from. See the figure you selected on this assignment. (attached below).
Conclusions/Broader impacts: Based on the results of the study, what was the answer to the researcher’s question? What do these findings mean in a larger context?
For this assignment:
Prepare your slides. For this 4-minute presentation you should have ~6 slides. You may have more slides if you do a lot of animations by breaking down the content of one slide into separate slides.
For each slide, in the Notes in Power Point, please write a few sentences explaining what you are planning to say in each slide.
See this example: Sample Slides for Article Presentation.pptx (seen below)
Upload your Power Point slides, each slide should have 2-3 sentences in the notes section indicating what you plan to say

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