You will assess the existing research on the topic, critique different perspecti

You will assess the existing research on the topic, critique different perspectives on the issue using existing research, and provide an informed conclusion based on knowledge of the topic and psychology
Choose ONE of the topics from this list with sufficient research done on it (You will have to find a lot of primary sources on the topic you choose and write 6-8 pages on it so choose based on that):
Does ESP Exist?
Is the Mozart Effect Real?
What is the Impact of Televised Violence on Children?
Is Spanking a Child Effective?
Does Research Support Different Learning Styles?
Is Hypnosis an Effective Therapy?
Do Multiple Intelligences Exist?
Does Dissociative Identity Disorder Exist?
Is Homosexuality Biologically Determined?
Should Marijuana be Legalised?
Does Abortion have Severe Psychological Effects?
Should Animals Be Used in Research?
Is the Use of Social Media Harmful?
Does Porn Cause Men to be Violent?
Length and format: The paper should be 6-8 pages in length (12 pt. New Times Roman, 1 inch margins, not including your title page and references).
The paper should have:
-Title Page
-Introductory section which introduces the controversy/ controversial topic
-Section which assesses the existing research on the topic and critiques the different perspectives on the issue using existing research. For this section, make sure to get actual research articles from peer-reviewed primary sources to use as references. You cannot use Web sites as primary sources. In other words, go through the library set of databases and search the psychology database. Do not rely on popular press publications (e.g., Psychology Today) or websites (e.g., Wikipedia). You cannot use your textbook. It is a secondary source. Do not take the bulk of your paper from one source. You should provide an integration, analysis, and critique of your readings. In many of the aforementioned examples, there are differing perspectives. You should present each side of the coin. However, you may find there is more support for one perspective. You should discuss this in your discussion section. Use quotations sparingly if at all. The vast majority of this paper (e.g., 95%) should be in your own words using proper APA style citations.
-Don’t plagiarize. Your papers are being submitted via Turn-it-in. Make sure you quote and cite appropriately. Ignorance or sloppiness is no excuse for plagiarism. AI inputs will be checked.
-You should plan on having at least 5 peer-reviewed referenced primary sources. In other words, the average (i.e., C paper) would have 5 sources.

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