You have been hired as an industrial hygiene consultant by a small industry that

You have been hired as an industrial hygiene consultant by a small industry that has a problem with the noise level in their factory. They have asked you to conduct a noise assessment to ensure that they will be in compliance with OSHA regulations when they have their inspection. The factory has four main areas where workers are located, which is given below, along with the number of workers that are in that area. It is your job to determine your plan for conducting a noise assessment along with a budget for what it will cost to complete the assessment. You will be given a week’s time to create your plan and then you will present this plan to the managers of the industry.
Processing / Handling (where the product is created)
Machine Operators – 20
Mechanics / Electricians – 5 (Mainly work in processing and handling but may be in labeling some of the time)
Processing Quality Control Inspectors – 2
Label Machine Operator – 5
Labeling Quality Control Inspectors – 2
Shipping / Receiving
Fork Lift Drivers – 15 (They mainly stay in shipping and receiving but may have to move around the entire factory during the day)
Dock Workers – 5 (Stay in the docks to load and unload trucks at all times)
Managers – 2 (Mostly in the offices, but may be on the factory floor periodically)
Health & Safety Officer – 1 (May be throughout the factory during the day)
Human Resource Personnel – 3
Secretarial Staff – 4
Proposal Requirements
Title Page
Introduction – The OSHA regulations relating to noise (STEL, TWA, etc.), possible control measures for noise (engineering, administrative, PPE), ways you can assess the noise level workers are exposed to, etc.
Methods – What equipment will you use, what employees and what locations will you sample, how long will sampling take, etc.
Safety & Health Requirements – Plan for how you will keep your employees safe while completing this work and how you will keep the other companys’ employees safe during the assessment
Timeline – Need to create a time line of how long this will take and how many hours will be required
Budget – How much will equipment rental cost, how much will your time cost, will you require travel reimbursement, do you need someone to assist you with the project, etc.
Deliverables – What will the company receive as part of this noise assessment?
References – Where you obtained regulations, controls, equipment rental prices, etc.
Use the table that I provided for the budget, and if you want to change Any information from the ppt, go ahead and change it

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