Write an apology with all the components. Use your life experience to choose som

Write an apology with all the components. Use your life experience to choose something you may want to apologize for. An alternative is writing the apology you would have liked to receive from someone else. Regardless of which you choose to do, please make sure you have all 5 components in the apology.
1) Sincere Regret;
The fundamental part of an apology is a genuine expression of regret. “I feel bad about not showing up for yesterday’s shift. I’m really sorry I let you down.”
2) Understanding the harm caused;
Show that you recognize how the other person was affected and that you’re sorry. “I know it was busy, and it must have been a nightmare.”
3) An explanation of what happened;
Without offering excuses, consider explaining how the offending behavior came to happen. “I got a phone call from my grandmother who was in a panic and I had to get to her immediately. It turned out to be nothing, but by the time I got her calmed down it was too late to call you.”
4) Corrective action:
Show that you intend to prevent future problems. “I’ve asked her to call my sister if anything like that happens again, so unless there is a real emergency, I will be able to consistently be there for my shift without interruption.”

5) Restoration
Do what you can to compensate the other person for the misdeed. “If it would help, I’m happy to cover tomorrow’s shift, even though I am not scheduled.”
Source: After Patrick J. Kruger. “The Art of the Apology.” Workforce Management, October 2004, pp. 57-62

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