Write a review: Moliere’s “Tartuffe” as directed by Syvaine Strike. Y

Write a review: Moliere’s “Tartuffe” as directed by Syvaine Strike.
Your review must be specific to this performance. You may want to do a little research into this specific production as well.
After viewing the video at the link provided, write a review of the play. Reading the script will further inform your response.
Write from the point of view of a journalist who has been assigned to inform readers what the play is about, what makes it stand out or holds it back, if you would recommend seeing the production and why.
This is the sort of thing you would expect to see in a newspaper. Reviews are short, give a brief summary of the play, comment on the qualities of the production, and provide consumers with a value judgement. A typical length to shoot for is 750 words. Here is a suggested structural approach:

Paragraph 1: Basic info: Name of play, who wrote it, where it was staged, who produced it, who directed it.
Paragraph 2: Briefly summarize the plot of the play.
Paragraph 3: Discuss the acting and directing. React to the performers playing the characters in the play. Mention stand out performers by name.
Paragraph 4: Describe the design elements of the production, such as the lighting, sound, costumes, make up, and set and props and if they work for the show or not.
Paragraph 5: React to the play as a whole. Would you recommend the play to potential audience members? You can also include a recommendation, like a star rating or a thumbs up/thumbs down.
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