Write a 1300 words APA single spaced memo on strategies to increase home ownersh

Write a 1300 words APA single spaced memo on strategies to increase home ownership among millennials in the US. This is strictly a state side assignment, no foreign sources. We’ll need to have 7 sources minimum, that include book, news article, journal articles, academic journal, magazine, TV, etc… all sources need to be US known and based and no more than 10 years old. Also any video source will need to have at least 3 timeframes . We also need about 2 or 3 footnotes in the assignment (footnotes should not be part of the 1300 word single spaced word count). Aside from heading, it should include an opening statement, context, call to action and task statement, discussion and closing. Writing should be persuasive and can include number, charts and visuals. You can look at this link to see the format that the professor wants me to follow https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/professional_technical_writing/memos/sample_memo.html
Heres one article i think could be used a source
“What Stands Between Millennials and Home Ownership?”
We need to show in this memo how and why the current system is not working for millennials to own homes and how we can solve the problem. and how we can point and guide our millennials to a path to home ownership.
Be sure to make a claim and reasoning with examples, show your evidences, discuss them and then have a closing argument.
Here’s another source to consider
“Here’s why millions of millennials are not “”homeowners”

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