Wilson’s Fences What is the play’s inciting incident? Climax? How does the clima

Wilson’s Fences
What is the play’s inciting incident? Climax? How does the climax indeed function as the play’s “turning point?”Are the moments themselves staged? Merely discussed?
Drama demands interpretation; each staging, each performance is a unique interpretation of lines, actions, and themes. This clipLinks to an external site. contains the same scene from both the original Broadway production and the 2010 revival. How are they different? Which “interpretation” does your group prefer? Why?Here’s a clipLinks to an external site. from the 2016 film with the same actors as the 2010 Broadway revival. What are the significant differences? What do you think accounts for these differences?
The classical tragic hero, according to Aristotle, (a) makes an error in judgment that inevitably leads to his or her downfall, (b) experiences a reversal of fortune, (c) recognizes that his or her downfall is self-inflicted, (d) possesses excessive pride, and (e) suffers a fate greater than he or she deserves. To what extent is Wilson’s Troy Maxson a tragic hero? Why?
Toward the end of Act One, Troy tells Rose, “I don’t want [Cory] to be like me” (1251), and yet, at the end of the play, Rose tells Cory, “You Troy Maxson all over again,” and “You can’t be nobody but who you are” (1278). What does Wilson imply about fate, here specifically and with the play in general?On a related note, discuss Troy’s fixation with “responsibility.” Is “responsibility” as Troy conceives of it linked to his perceived gender role?
How did you envision the last moments of the play? How did you interpret Gabriel’s final actions? How does this clipLinks to an external site. from 2016 film measure up to your expectations? Any meaningful differences or discrepancies?
Identify and explain at least three possible interpretations of the title.Why baseball? Post a unique image that characterizes your response.
Pose a lingering and/or burning question. This is an opportunity to ensure that my responses to you are as helpful as possible.

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