When reading Tracy K. Smith’s introduction to Generations, I fell in love with t

When reading Tracy K. Smith’s introduction to Generations, I fell in love with the following question: “What, then, is the vision of America that Clifton is intent upon illuminating?” (page x).
What better question to consider as you read the poems on pages 34-61 in How to Carry Water and “Caroline and Son” in Generations? For your second response paper, I’d simply like for you to mull this (big) question over. You don’t have to come up with any definitive answers, but consider it. Let your mind wander over the question, and hold it in your mind as you read the poems, like a mantra: “What, then, is the vision of America that Clifton is intent upon illuminating?”
There are several key words in this question: “intent” and “illuminating” are two. One way to approach this response is to consider the images in Clifton’s poems. Which images repeat? How do her images function in the poems? What tone does she take on in individual poems?
I can’t read the word “America” without thinking also of Walt Whitman’s vision of America. And clearly Clifton can’t either, as she includes a quote from Whitman’s “Song of Myself” as an epigraph to “Caroline and Son.” Maybe one way to consider Clifton’s vision is to also consider Whitman’s, or to consider other writers’ visions (living or dead) that come to your mind. (Note: If you quote outside sources, make sure to cite correctly and include on your Works Cited page.)
As noted in the syllabus, you do not need to include a thesis statement for the short response papers. The purpose of these responses is to explore your ideas fully and thoroughly, getting to know and understand your own thinking.
Please write 600-750 words, due Saturday, July 22nd, by midnight (note the 1-day grace period), and include the following:
• Quotes from individual poems and/or “Caroline and Son” or Tracy K. Smith’s introduction as evidence to support your points (Try not to let quotes overrun your paper. I want to hear your thoughts and observations.)
• Proper MLA formatting, especially of in-text citations
• Works Cited page

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