When asked a question like, “How does one apply Data Science?”, we as the subjec

When asked a question like, “How does one apply Data Science?”, we as the subject matter expert (SME) are given the chance to impart specific knowledge to the person asking the question. For the discussion forum, identify a specific function that a data scientist might preform as part of working with data.
Your initial response should be between 200 and 250 words. The font is Times New Roman, font size should be 12, and the paragraphs are single-spaced. There should be a minimum of one reference supporting your observations. Citations are to follow APA 7.0.
Complete the week’s readings prior to writing this discussion forum.
1. Please refer to the discussion forum rubric on the course information tab for this assignment.
2. Initial discussion board posts are due by Wednesday and responses to two of your classmates are due by Saturday.
3. Each week to earn full points on the discussion forums, make sure to include outside sources to support your discussion.
4. All work is to be original.

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