Web exercise 3 WE3 for R users Import Insurance data and build appropriate chart

Web exercise 3
WE3 for R users
Import Insurance data and build appropriate chart (single chart, two axis) that will show the relationships among the following variables: household income, coverage, claim amount, and retired status (you have to use all 4 variables in a single chart. Make sure to use the combinations of type, size, symbol, size, and/or color to make you graph easy to understand)

WE3 for MS Excel users
Open Insurance data and build an appropriate number of charts (it is your decision) that will show the relationships among the following variables: household income, coverage, claim amount, and retired status (please note that you will not be able to create a single chart like R users – MS Excel does not have such capability).

R users should carefully study lines 130-148 and use them as a guidance
MS Excel users should try different types of chart depending on variable types used

Submission Instructions:
If you use R for this assignment, please submit a single PDF file with your answer. (don’t. Just send the coding part in word. I’ll copy and paste it on r-studio. explanation should be separate)
If you use MS Excel for this assignment, please submit a PDF with your answers and explanations and Excel spreadsheet file with your calculations (all formulas and functions must be present and functional)

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