video case questions: 1. How does Alfresco support a mobile business environment

video case questions:
1. How does Alfresco support a mobile business environment?
2. Why is Alfresco superior to email for supporting collaboration?
3. What were the factors that caused the City of Denver to go with the Alfresco platform as opposed to more typical proprietary software from other vendors?
4. What business process will Denver seek to automate in the future using Alfresco, and why use a document management system to automate this process?
5. What problems did the New York Philharmonic seek to solve with Alfresco?
6. What benefits does Alfresco provide the Philharmonic?
Project Instructions:
1. Watch the case video related to your chosen case.
2. Read the case article associated with your chosen case.
3. Create a PowerPoint deck to answer all questions in the case file, with one question per slide.
4. And also add explanation below for every slide (Add notes).
5. Use visual aids such as tables, lists, and graphics on your slides instead of long paragraphs.
6. Follow the rubric for the presentation, which is available below.
I attached the 2 files below please go through it. And you can find the URL of Alfresco. And Rubric for the presentation

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