University of Pennsylvania historian Peter Kuznick has teamed up with filmmaker

University of Pennsylvania historian Peter Kuznick has teamed up with filmmaker Oliver Stone in this video series with accompanying book (which is not included in this course). Watch all three episodes, then write a three-part paper treating each episode (500-1000 words for all). The only parameters for the paper are to think and write about how these videos inform and/or alter your views of the Second World War. Since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, a lot of additional information has become available to historians. The traditional view of American dominance in the victory over Nazi Germany has changed because of access to these Soviet archives, although many are slow to embrace it. These videos (and accompanying book, which you are not required to purchase), are one of the best expressions of this needed historical revision.
you can ask questions like: “How does the Soviet Union’s role, as discussed in the episode, change our understanding of the Allies’ victory?” or “What specific information from the Soviet archives challenges the traditional narrative of WWII?” What did you find most surprising in the episode? Make sure to focus on all three episodes together.

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