Toby Miller introduces us to television studies by giving us the lowdown of how

Toby Miller introduces us to television studies by giving us the lowdown of how television trail-blazed the way we watched moving images and storylines. However, the aim of television according to Miller has maintained sexist undertones regarding audiences and viewers. Miller states, “[w]omen were central to corporate calculations about TV from the very first, because they were expected to spend more time in the home than other potential viewers. In the early days of tuning sets, it was thought they would be unable to cope with the technical challenges of reception.”
1. In your own words describe how this quote is (or isn’t) relevant today – think critically about the evolution of television and how mediums like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, and Disney+ have altered these sexists notions of televisual audiences and their methods of consuming media entertainment. provide some contemporary examples to support your answer.
2. Define in your own words what Miller describes as the televisual sublime and logocentrism – how do media companies today maintain “hierarchy” to be the top streaming service for example? provide some contemporary examples to support your answer.

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