Title (own original title) Introduction: all requirements (introduce the natur

Title (own original title)

Introduction: all requirements (introduce the nature of the assignment, state the main topics the paper is focused on – gender and work, introduce and describe your interviewee/provide the demographics information of your interviewee, include all relevant details of the interview – location/date and time/ cooperation level of interviewee.

Paragraph 1/Gender: see requirements on paper 1 instructions document; (application of the gender material to his/her family of orientation, marriage, and family of procreation experiences); bold application (theory, terms, research data); lengthy paragraph is expected.

Paragraph 2/Work: see requirements on paper 1 instructions document; (application of the work material to his/her family of orientation, marriage, and family of procreation experiences); bold application (theory, terms, research data); lengthy paragraph is expected.
Conclusion: review requirements in the paper 1 instructions document

Works Cited (last page; on it’s own page)
Textbook – citation for the textbook is noted on syllabus
Lectures on each of the main topics (gender and work lectures) and social theory lecture (cite each lecture separately by lecture title); see Canvas for citation resources
Other course material – articles, films/film clips and other material posted in the lesson plans on the main topics included in your paper; cite each separately; do an online search for how to cite
Interviewee (cite your interviewee)

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