This week, you will create your annotated bibliography for the problem-solution

This week, you will create your annotated bibliography for the problem-solution essay. For your annotated bibliography, you will find and annotate five scholarly or academic sources. At least one of these sources must have been published in the past year. These sources will be the building blocks for your essay, so be sure to spend time searching for sources, reading critically, and evaluating the relevance of each source. Begin your annotated bibliography with your introduction to the problem-solution paper. This introduction represents a draft that you will further develop over the next few weeks.
For each source, provide the following.
The reference entry in APA style (This can be copied directly into the references page in your problem-solution essay.)
A one-paragraph summary of the relevant sections of the article written in your own words
A one-paragraph assessment of the source containing its credibility, its relevance to your essay topic, an explanation of what will be used from the article and where it will be used in your essay, and an explanation of how the source connects with other sources in your annotated bibliography.

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