This is a group project, and this is my essay portion. Our topic Is coronary byp

This is a group project, and this is my essay portion. Our topic Is coronary bypass graft (CABG). My portion of the essay is stated below. This does not have to be a complete essay, just a portion. Also, a few PowerPoint slides to add to our presentation. The topic on CABG is also highlighted in the template provided. ( its the first highlighted section) Attached is the outline of what all the other students in the group are doing. My portion will be highlighted.
3. Nursing process: must include:
a. NANDA-Priority Nursing diagnosis statement. Knowledge deficit related to newly diagnosed…or chronic condition…
b. Goal Statement associated with the nursing diagnosis that is behavioral, specific, measurable, and realistic, keeping in mind the medical-surgical health diagnosis for your client.
c. Identification of Learning Needs-be specific about the learning needs of the client and/or family. The client’s learning needs determine the choice of Teaching Care Plan contents.
d. Nursing Interventions (broad statements) that will help you develop the Teaching Plan.

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