This informal topic proposal assignment will help prepare you for your major res

This informal topic proposal assignment will help prepare you for your major research paper. For your major research paper, you can choose almost any topic/question to answer and argue that falls under the umbrella of technology/AI. Remember that this does not mean your topic has to include the actual word “technology” – it just has to be about some aspect of technology and/or AI. Again, this is deliberately a pretty wide topic.
The research question starters assignment should have given you some ideas on this. (SEE ATTACHMENT)
This informal proposal requires that you:
Propose your topic.
What do you like about this topic–why are you drawn to it?
Tell me about any articles that relate to your genre that you find interesting. What are they about?
Give me a one-sentence question that you are considering answering for the upcoming major research paper.
What stance are you taking on this question? Why?
All of this needs to be submitted in proper MLA format (correct header, Times New Roman font, double-spaced, 12 point font), and must be a minimum of 350 words.

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