This assignment will ensure that you have Python installed on your PC and a work

This assignment will ensure that you have Python installed on your PC and a working IDE that can help you in this course. This assessment will be easy as your goal is to implement this program and run it in multiple IDEs.
The program is as follows
name = input(“Enter Your Name: “)
print(“Hello ” + name + ” welcome to Herzing IS-296 Python Programming”)
This program is your basic hello world project for this course. You can copy and paste this code into an IDE and run it. This code will print out a line in the console saying Enter Your Name: You must click the console, type in your name, and hit enter. It will print out the following line with your name in the middle.
Now with that being defined, what you will need to turn into for this assignment is the following.
1.    Install Python and use the CMD to show that Python is installed on your system. Take a screenshot of the CMD and paste it into a word document
2.    Install PyCharm
3.    Install Jupyter notebook via pip or through Anaconda Navigator GUI
4.    Install Spyder via pip or through Anaconda Navigator GUI
5.    Run the above program in each IDE
6.    Take Screenshots of both the code and console output of each IDE in a word document.
You have to turn in a single word document with each IDE screenshot with the code running along with a screenshot showing that Python is installed correctly.

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